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For over 150 years, the Vaseline® brand has been passionate about healing all skin - from the everyday to the toughest conditions. An authority on skin and skincare, Vaseline knows that when skin is healthy, it can do amazing things.

150 years of healing power

The Vaseline brand was built on the healing efficacy of Vaseline Jelly. Formulated in 1870 by Robert Chesebrough, this true “Wonder Jelly” has been healing scrapes, burns, dryness and more for 150 years. It’s a staple in millions of households around the world.

Today, what started with a jar of Vaseline Jelly has grown into an expansive product portfolio that includes Vaseline Intensive Care Lotions™ and Vaseline Lip Therapy™ tins. However, The Healing Power of Vaseline Jelly can still be found inside every product that the Vaseline brand makes.

Image is from the Unilever Archives: Vaseline Products c.late 1980s

Unilever Archives Vaseline Products c.late 1980s 300DPI

The Vaseline Healing Project

Globally, Vaseline believes skin health is a right, not a privilege. Our skin is in constant contact with the world, and it’s essential to our wellbeing.
But unfortunately, skin healthcare has a problem: It’s not for all. In some parts of the world, people lack access to resources and medical care to treat their skin.

That’s why we are on a mission to help 3 million people per year access dermatological care and education by 2030. Through the Vaseline Healing Project, we provide extra training to health professionals, dermatological treatment, and Vaseline® brand products and medical supplies needed to help heal the skin of people affected by poverty or emergencies around the world.

Vaseline Intensive Care

Contact Unilever about Vaseline

If you have any questions or comments about Vaseline, please visit our contact page.

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