- Median pay for Unilever in the UK is 5% in favour of women
- Median pay for Unilever UK Limited (UK specific operations, including factories) is 5.3% in favour of women
- Median pay for Unilever UK Central Resources Limited (global functions based in the UK) is 8.9% in favour of men
Today we published our gender pay results for the sixth year, in line with the government’s Gender Pay regulations introduced in April 2017*.
As required by government regulation for gender pay reporting, more detailed figures from our two main employing entities in the UK have been published. These are Unilever UK Limited, representing our UK specific operations, including factories, and Unilever UK Central Resources Limited, representing our global functions based in the UK and primarily reflecting our central office and research labs.
We’ve also chosen to share overall ‘Unilever in the UK’ data looking at the combination of these reporting entities and our integrated companies in the UK, as this provides a more transparent and representative picture of our UK business and employment landscape.
You can find our full data and an update on our gender strategy, and the action and policies driving this, in our latest report. Please click here to view:
Unilever UK's 2022 Gender Pay Report (PDF 1.42 MB)

Building a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve and providing a supportive working environment is a central ambition for Unilever. Furthermore, it is an ambition that we continue to make substantial progress towards achieving. This year we have continued to reduce the gender pay gap across our business. At the same time, we continue to pioneer flexible ways of working , enabling our employees to build their careers in a supportive and nurturing environment. Our people are our most important asset, and we will therefore continue our drive to improve the representation of women and the opportunities they enjoy at all levels of our business.
Richard Sharp, Head of Unilever UK and Head of HR for Unilever UK & Ireland

2022 has seen Unilever take a number of steps towards enhancing the diverse and inclusive culture that enables all our employees to fulfill their potential. This has included proactive steps to diversify our recruitment, gender balanced succession planning and the introduction of schemes that respond to the individual needs of our employees. Our progress has been recognized externally, with Unilever becoming the first FMCG company to be Menopause Friendly accredited and being awarded Best for Family Support by the Working Mums Top Employers Awards 2023. Looking ahead, we are committed to building on this progress and providing women with further support and opportunities to excel in their careers.
Emily Pittman, Executive sponsor of our Unilever UK & Ireland Gender Network and General Manager, Unilever Ireland
We know that harmful social norms and stereotypes can contribute to persistent gender pay gaps. Challenging and changing those norms is a vital part of our Unilever Compass strategy, which includes gender as a critical component in our goals on culture and leadership. However, we recognise that there is still more to do to, particularly at senior management level where women are still under-represented.
Through our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy, of which gender is one element, we’re removing barriers and bias and working to achieve equity in our policies and practices, our employee experience and culture and in our approach to retention, development and promotion. We’re establishing leadership accountability to drive change, supporting employees to excel in their roles and aiming to achieve a workforce that is fundamentally representative of the communities we operate in.
Under UK government regulation introduced in April 2017, companies with over 250 employees are required to make and publish six calculations, including gender pay gap as a mean and median, the mean and median bonus gap, and the proportion of males and females divided into four groups from lowest to highest pay.
Businesses are obliged to report this data separately for each legal entity that has at least 250 employees. In addition to publishing overall data for our UK business, Unilever has therefore also published separate data for its two major UK employing entities - Unilever UK Ltd and Unilever UK Central Resources Ltd.